**صدور تحديث جديد للتصنيف  الدولي Scimago Institutions Rankings لطبعة 2023****مراسم التوقيع لإعتماد إنشاء ملحقة الطب بجامعة سكيكدة -هنيئا لجامعتنا*** برنامج السهرات العلمية الرمضانية  "ستارت أب" Start up لجهة الشرق ***نداء للأساتذة للمشاركة في استبيان الأكادميين لدعم ترتيب الجامعة في تصنيف World University Rankings QS*****الإنطلاق الرسمي للتكوين في الدكتوراه بعنوان السنة الجامعية   2022/2023 بجامعة سكيكدة **** فعاليات النشاط الإفتتاحي لأسبوع القرآن الكريم**** تنظيم أسبوع الذكاء الإصطناعي من 16 إلى 19 أفريل 2023

Liste des revues scientifiques de Catégorie A et B 






Economic Researcher Journal
ISSN: 2335-1748
EISSN: 2588-235X
ISBN : 1612-2013
Date of creation: 2013
Editor-in-Chief: Dr W. Gaham

Economic Researcher Review, is a Specialized International double-blind peer reviewed, open access journal, free of charge, Bi-annual (June, December), It was founded in 2013, issued and edited by the University of 20 Août 1955 Skikda –Algeria (Governmental university affiliated with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Algeria), focuses on researches and papers that make important contributions.














 Journal of Research and Human Studie
 ISSN: 1112-8151
EISSN: 2588-2317
ISBN : 1005-2007
 Date of creation: 2007
 Editor-in-Chief: Pr S.   Boumediene

The journal of research   and human studies" is   an internationally   refereed, open access   journal, free of charge   and bi-annual (June,   December), research   journal published by the   university 20 August 1955-Skikda. The journal is published in the following fields: Human and social sciences, Sharia and Law, Literature and foreign languages. The journal publishes original scientific works in all of the above fields in any of the following languages: Arabic, English, or French. Articles submitted are reviewed according to highest standards by experts specialized in their fields.

 he research must not have been published or offered for publication elsewhere, and the author must present a written pledge to this effect. The journal is issued in both print and online version.

The main objective of the journal is to provide an intellectual plateform for the international scholars. "JRHS" aims to promote interdisciplinary studies in humanities and social sciences. It also aims at facilitating the dissemination of knowledge on issues related to the study of human sciences with a focus on the local society and current issues. It provides a publication avenue for academics and post graduate researchers in the human sciences disciplines. If you require any further information or help, please contact us: عنوان البريد الإلكتروني هذا محمي من روبوتات السبام. يجب عليك تفعيل الجافاسكربت لرؤيته.

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 El-MAQAL Journal

 EISSN: 2588-2260
 Date of creation: 2015
 Editor-in-Chief: Dr A .   Douas


Review, is A Specialized International, double-blind Peer-ReviewedJournal, semi-annual (published in the month of June and December regularly), free of charge, open access, edited and published by the University of August 20, 1955 Skikda / Algeria, founded in 2015, It is interested in publishing innovative research in the field of linguistics and language, Literature and literary theories in languages: Arabic, French and English, It provides an academic platform for researchers to collaborate and exchange information and experiences in works and innovative researches in this field with original research presented accurately and objectively.

El-MAQAL Review" is published in both print and electronic publications and is available for reading and downloading, thejounal team invites all researchers In every where the academics and specialists to contribute and send their papers within the terms of the review, The articles are evaluated and corrected by a specialized scientific team composed of national and international reviewers with competence and experience, and all we are working to optimize and devellop the level of the review to bring it to the ranks of international scientific journals in the field of specialization and thus enrich the scientific field with best and important researches

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Journal of Legal and Political Research

 ISSN: 2543-3881
 EISSN: 2661-7234
 Date of creation: 2016
 Editor-in-Chief: Dr B.   Chaib

Une revue universitaire internationale, visant à diffuser des études et des recherches originales et innovantes dans diverses sciences qui étudient les êtres humains en termes de leur propre littérature, société, comportement, histoire, politique, communication et défis futurs.

Avec une totale ouverture aux études politiques, juridiques et sociales sur les affaires mondiales. Les recherches et études rédigées en arabe, français et anglais sont acceptées pour publication dans la Revue à condition que les règles générales de publication, qui sont reconnues par tous les chercheurs travaillant dans diverses universités et centres de recherche, algériens, arabes et étrangers. Publié par 20-out University, 1955 Skikda, Algérie

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Revue El-Arssad
 Bi-annual ARSAD ajems
 p-ISSN: 7641-2661 (Print)
 e -ISSN: 2716-8107 (Online)
 creation: 2018
Editor-in-Chief: cherroun Azzedine




















Revue Diaa
 p-ISSN: 8174-2716 (Print)
 creation: 2020
 Editor-in-Chief: Dr Bouatit sofiane



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